Advanced Embedding
for Blackthorn Events

Blackthorn Events can be embedded into third-party websites with advanced functionality, allowing you to intercept user intent from within the iframe and redirect from the host.

1. Add the script to your page

Note that your script to initialize the event instance should be put after this script

2. Get started

3. Listeners

Listeners are used to listen notifications such as APP_READY, ROUTE_CHANGED, CONTENT_SIZE_CHANGED from the app. The actions have finished when the notifications are received.

Use cases

Event Log

4. Interceptors

Interceptors are used to intercept actions such ROUTE_CHANGE, OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINK in the app. The actions are happenning and the intercept can affect the actions or cancel the actions.

Use cases

Event Log

5. Enable your domain (one time)

To get started, you will need to whitelist the domain where Blackthorn Events will be located. The domain page must be HTTPS and set up with an SSL certificate. If you want this domain whitelisted for multiple organizations, you will need to manually add the domain into each organization. For more information, please visit Whitelisting Domains